Monday 14 July 2008

Purpose of this blog

Hopefully this will prove to be more than another inane addition to the J-blogosphere. I'm here to discuss all issues of relation to Left Wing Ultra Orthodoxy, that is the less extreme side of the Charedi world. My perspective is not necessarily that of a traditional Charedi, and is indeed far from it in some aspects. but speaking as someone who lives within the Charedi world - I would just like to add to the coterie of voices crying out for change. I'm not here to demonize - I think the Charedi world has many great aspects, from shmiras hamitzvos be'hiddur, to the strong communal structure. However, and this is my starting point-I believe that in many ways the Charedi world is rushing off a cliff. From the kollel system, to the gross materialism prevalent in some quarters to the fraud and the covering up of sexual abuse-things need to be changed, and that change is only going to happen one way-when enough people get fed up of the way things are at the moment. the purpose of this blog is to offer constructive ways of improving this predicament, and is not chas veshalom, lekanter. Not every post will be negative, indeed I think it is a tremendous shame that not enough positive things are said about our community, people seem to take to their computers only to complain and never to extol. I will endeavour, therefore to provide a balanced perspective on the issues at hand, bearing in mind that the changes I wish to occur are vital if our communtiy is to survive safely and successfully for coming doros. If this blog serves to expedite that process, even in one small way-I will be satisfied.
In an endnote, the purpose of this blog is not primarily to discuss Torah matters or inyanei emunah, there are enough places where that is going on already. This is not to say that I do not attach importance to such matters. Hahefech hu hanachon. (To the contrary). However, limited in time, knowledge and ability as I am, I will generally leave such matters to others.

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